Tentang Jurnal

Established in 1994 as Yayasan Budaya Melayu (Sarawak Melayu Cultural Foundation), the organization was registered in 2003 as Amanah Khairat Yayasan Budaya Melayu Sarawak (Sarawak Melayu Cultural Foundation Charitable Trusts) under the Sarawak Charitable Trust Ordinance. All ethnic groups in Sarawak were encouraged to form similar organizations as part of the government’s policy on cultural management in the state. In general, the foundation aims to promote and advance the culture of the Melayu of Sarawak in its widest sense. Hence, it involves the economy, politics, education, religion, arts, family, and youth of the community. It also sees the importance of networking with other Melayu and others in the Melayu Archipelago and the world.

Title: Kepulauan Jurnal Antarabangsa Pengajian Kepulauan Melayu

ISSN: 2811-3837

eISSN: 2811-390X

Current Issue: Volume 1, No.1, 2021

Publication Frequency: Annually

Published: November Issue / 2021-11-28

Publication type: Electronic & Printing

Publisher: Amanah Khairat Yayasan Budaya Melayu Sarawak

Journal Website: http://jurnalkepulauan.epizy.com

Aim and Scope

KEPULAUAN is an international interdisciplinary journal that aims to publish high-quality conceptual and empirical writing relevant to the Melayu Archipelago. Significant disciplines include but are not limited to anthropology, ethnicity, gender and sexuality studies, geography, history, literary, cultural, and media studies, sociology, and politics.

The journal welcomes critical seminal investigations of the dynamics in the Melayu Archipelago, grounded in theoretical and empirical approaches. The journal encourages innovative contributions from established and new scholars that not only reflect current conceptual thinking but also question accepted theories and break away from the captive mind syndrome. Contributions from established scholars and young researchers from within the Melayu Archipelago are strongly encouraged.

KEPULAUAN provides sections for Book Reviews, Research reports, and Conference Announcements.

KEPULAUAN strives to obtain indexing and abstracting with MyCite, Myjurnal, SCOPUS, and finally, ISI to ensure your success.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate access to its contents on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange.

Language Policy

The journal pursues a bilingual publishing policy, either in Bahasa Melayu or English. Manuscripts in both languages must include a title, an abstract, and five (5) keywords in English.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts are subject to a double-blind review process by a minimum of two reviewers. Decisions regarding the publication of the manuscript will be based on the Editorial Board’s recommendations.

Journal Fees

There is no submission charge or article processing charge (APC).


Editor in Chief

Managing Editor

Administrator / Publication Executive

Editor Executive / Web Master

Editor Executive

System Administrator / Web Master








This is the statement of ethics for Kepulauan Melayu, International Journal of Malayu Archipelago Studies (KEPULAUAN) published by Amanah Khairat Yayasan Budaya Melayu Sarawak. This statement was adapted from the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and covers the code of ethics for the chief editor, editorial board members, reviewers and authors.


• Have the responsibility of ensuring only new and original work is submitted.

• Must not reproduce work that has been previously published in other journals.

• Must not submit any articles that are being reviewed or considered by the journal to other journals simultaneously.

• Are only allowed to publish their work elsewhere after receiving a formal rejection from the journal or if their request to withdraw their work is officially accepted by the journal.

• Must inform the Chief Editor or the publisher of any inaccuracy of data in their published work so that correction or retraction of article can be done.

• Should make significant contributions and be held accountable for any shortcomings in their work.


• Must disclose any competing interest before agreeing to review a submission.

• Can refuse to review any submission due to a conflict of interest or inadequate knowledge.

• Review all submissions objectively, fairly and professionally.

• Reveal any ethical misconduct encountered while reviewing to the Chief Editor for further action.

• Should ensure the originality of a submission and be alert to any plagiarism and redundant publication.

• Must not discuss the content of the submission without permission.

• Adhere to the time allocated for the review process. Requests for extension to review the submission are at the discretion of the Chief Editor.


• Actively contribute to the development and the greater good of the journal.

• Act as ambassadors for the journal.

• Continuously support and promote the journal.

• Review any work assigned to them.


• Evaluate manuscripts fairly and solely on their intellectual merit.

• Ensure confidentiality of manuscripts and not disclose any information regarding manuscripts to anyone other than the people involved in the publishing process.

• Has the responsibility to decide when and which articles are to be published.

• Actively seek the views of board members, reviewers and authors on how to improve/increase the image and visibility of the journal.

• Give clear instructions to potential contributors on the submission process and what is expected of the authors.

• Ensure appropriate reviewers are selected/ identified for the reviewing process.


• Authors should submit only original work that is not plagiarized and has not been published or being considered elsewhere. Appropriate software may be used by the editorial office to check for similarities of submitted manuscripts with existing literature. Inclusion of fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are unacceptable. Work and/or words from other publications must be appropriately cited or quoted.


• Authors should state their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation. The methods used in the work should be clearly and unambiguously described so that the findings can be repeated and confirmed by other researchers.


• A statement on conflict of interest must be included in the manuscript if authors receive any support that might be construed to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.


• Name of authors listed in a paper should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the report. Only those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. Others who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the work must be acknowledged or listed as contributors. It is the duty of the corresponding author to ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper. All co-authors must approve the final version of the paper and agree to the version of the paper before submission.


• Authors should not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research output in more than one journal or primary publication. A similar manuscript should not be submitted to more than one journal concurrently as this constitutes as unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author’s Guidelines.


Author Guidelines 

  1. The full manuscript must be sent via email (akybms@gmail.com)
  2. Authors are required to use the style provided below
  • Articles should not exceed 6,000 words, including endnotes, but excluding tables, figures, and references.
  • Sources for each table, graph, and map should be provided.
  • Font Arial, Size 11, with 1.5 spacing
  1. This journal uses the Chicago 16th Author-Date and EndNote or FootNote formats for citation.



Downloads manuscript template below:



Book / Chapter in book

Boli-Bennett, J. 1977. “The ideology of expanding state authority in national constitution 1870-1970.” In National Development and the World System, edited by J. Smith, 222-237. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Palen, March-William. 2016. The “Conspiracy” of Free Trade: The Anglo-American Struggle Over Empire and Economic Globalisation, 1846-1896. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Mokhtar, Mohd Shazwan, Muhamamd Aslah Akmal Azmi, and Mohd Samsudin. 2017. “PERKEMBANGAN SISTEM PERDAGANGAN MERKANTILISME NEGERI-NEGERI MELAYU BERSEKUTU (1909-1913).” Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics & Strategic Studies 44 (2).

Mokhtar, Mohd Shazwan, and Mohd Samsudin. 2017. “Trade War: The Trade Blockade on German in the Federated Malay States, 1914-1918 (‘Trade War’: Sekatan Perdagangan Jerman di Negeri-Negeri Melayu Bersekutu, 1914-1918).” Akademika 87 (1).

Archives Documents

CO 273/539. 1927. British Imperialism in Malaya.

CO 885/29/6. Colonial Office Conference, 1927. Memoranda and Papers.

Colonial Office Conference. 1927. Appendices to the Summary of Proceedings. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office.

Newspaper / Magazines Article

Gunasegaran, P. 2006. Overworked students: give the kids a chance to relax. New Straits Times, 21 February: 20.

Hashnan Abdullah. 2006. Mangsa tragedi asrama runtuh selamat pulang. Utusan Malaysia, 2 Februari: 3.


Authors are advised to use notes sections for additional information.


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.